Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 6th - Pokey, Gumby's best pal

Pokey - Gumby's best pal

an Aurora plush

Pokey made his 'Gumby' debut in the episode 'The Little Lost Pony' on December 29, 1956. Sorry it's a few days late but, happy 52nd birthday old horse! In his first appearance, Pokey wandered away from the farmer who owned him and got mixed up with some Blockheads. After many stop-motion hijinks, Gumby rescued him and returned him to the farmer for the reward of 100 ice cream cones! Sounds like a pretty good reward except for the fact that if Gumby gets too cold from eating them, he dies!!! You see, Gumby's internal temperature is regulated by his Gumbometer, and if the needle dips into the danger zone his clay composure...uh...nevermind. Too much geek info?
Anyway, this is a nice plush representation of Pokey. Cuddley soft! Like clay, but without the mess!

1 comment:

  1. THis image is simply perfect because my daughter loves the horses specially when they're colorful like this one, I'm gonna make her for her birthday I know she'll be totally grateful with me.
